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Resources for New Mailers

Resources for New Mailers

Welcome to Mailing!

We put together the following resources and answers to the most commonly asked questions we get from new mailers. If you can't find what you need on this page, please don't hesitate to use our chat support or give our friendly support staff a call at 800.233.0555.



  • $350 for Permit Imprint (printing the indicia on your mail piece instead of precanceled stamps or postage meter)
  • $350 for each class of mail


Letters Postcards
Dimensions Minimum (inches) Maximum (inches) Dimension (inches) Minimum (inches) Maximum (inches)
Height 3.5 6.125 Height 3.5 6
Length 5.0 11.5 Length 5.0 9
Thickness .007 0.25 Thickness .007 .016
Aspect Ratio 1.3 2.5
Dimensions Minimum (inches) Maximum (inches) Dimension (inches) Minimum (inches) Maximum (inches)
Height 3.5 6 Height 6.125 12
Length 5.0 10.5 Length 11.5 15
Thickness .007 0.25 Thickness 0.25 0.75
Aspect Ratio 1.3 2.5 Flats must exceed at least one minimum dimension
Up to 1 oz Requirement: 70# Text or Offset Paper
1 - 3 oz Requirement:  Minimum of 80# paper; Seals without perf.
Glue may be used as an alternative


Case studies on the effectiveness of direct mail marketing

If you have clients who don't believe in direct mail marketing, this brochure may help convince them that using direct mail is a powerful way to advertise their business.


Creating a Custom Command

Within your AccuZIP software is a command section that can be personalized for your specific needs for data hygiene and mail processing. Below are some common commands requested by new users. You can find more common commands on the Commands page here on our website.

To use a command [create a command], have a list imported into AccuZIP and showing on the main screen. Go to Edit > Commands in the drop-down menu at the top of your AccuZIP screen. Once there, you can add any command simply by choosing the icon that resembles a sheet of paper on the right side of the Command screen to open the Create and Run a Command window.Simply give your custom command any name that you prefer. AccuZIP6 saves your new command so it will be available in the drop-down menu for future use. Add your custom command to the command Statement syntax area:

accuzip command window

Common Commands Requested by New Users

Link to our AccuZIP6 Commands:


Mailing and Shipping Solutions Center Contact Information during normal business hours:

Mailers experiencing an issue/outage with their system during normal business hours must contact the MSSC via phone or email to receive a ticket.

Mailers experiencing an issue/outage with their system outside of normal business hours must contact the Mailing Shipping Solution Center via email at to initiate a ticket. It is important to note that this only applies when a mailer experiences an issue with their system. Mailers do not have to contact the Mailing Shipping Solution Center during a USPS issue/outage.
*Note: The MSSC hours of operation are from Monday-Friday 7AM-7PM CST. Customers must provide either a ticket number or a copy of the email sent to to the BMEU when presenting mail, which will allow mailers to continue to present mail under the USPS PostalOne! Contingency Plan.

Postal Explorer

(This is the go-to site for USPS DMM rules and regulations it also had direct links to USPS Quick Service guides and the current Labeling Lists.)

USPS Notice 123

This page contains a complete list of all current USPS Postage rates. This notice is updated with each USPS rate change.

Weight and Thickness Equivalents for Paper Stocks
Bond/ Writing
Uncoated Text
Coated Text Gloss
Coated Text Dull
Uncoated Cover
Coated Cover Gloss
Coated Cover Dull
Average Thickness
60 .0029
60 .0033
18 70 .0035
70 .0037
80 .0038
20 50 .0040
80 .0043
24 60 .0045
100 .0048
70 .0050
28 .0052
100 .0054
60 .0055
32 80 65 .0060
50 .0065
100 .0070
80 .0075
80 .0085
9 .0090
65 100 .0095
10 .0100
100 11 .0110
80 .0115
120 12 .0120
14 .0140

Recommendations for how to price the mailing service you can offer your clients

Service Provided



Data Hygiene and Presort

$0.01 per piece
(over 10,000 pieces: $0.0075)

Import/CASS Address Validation/Duplicate Removal/Presorting/Paperwork

NCOALink move update processing


Include NCOALink Results Report or .csv file of results

Inkjet or digital printing

$0.05 per piece

Delivery to post office


Additional charge for SCF entry drop (which could be a % of the savings)

Affixing precanceled stamps

$0.02 per piece

The permit for precanceled stamps is free

Inserter or Tabber Fee

$0.03 per piece

  • Postage is a pass-through cost.
  • Postage should be paid up front by your client, 48 hours in advance of mail drop off.
  • Send postage estimate invoice to the customer. Any additional left over is credited on your service invoice.
AccuZIP has tremendously improved the postal service our clients receive...not to mention the tremendous postage savings available when a mail ing list is upgraded by AccuZIP.
J.F., Boston, MA