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Tech Notes

Resume Printing from Where You Left Off

If your printer has jammed, you had to stop printing before the job was done, or you just need to print a label a second time, this technote will provide you with the necessary steps. To help you find where you need to resume printing in your file, we've provided a small database screen in the Print Settings window, and a Find box that enables you to search in any field in your database for the value you're trying to find. Find the last piece you were able to print (or the piece you want to start printing from) and follow the instructions below.

  1. If you want to print in Presort order, pull down the File menu to Print Presort, then open the presort and click on Labels. (See Opening an Existing Presort in the User's Guide for instructions.)
  2. In the lower right corner of the Print Settings window, select the field you want to search on using the Database view.
  3. Type the information from the piece you want to start printing from in the Find text box.
  4. Press the TAB key on your keyboard to select the record in the Database view.
  5. If the record displayed on screen is not the correct record, click the Find Next Occurrence button (binoculars) to continue searching through the list.
  6. Select the appropriate scope radio button indicating how many records you would like to print, i.e., Next, if you want to print the next 10 pieces from the record you have located.
  7. Click Print.

Learn how to begin printing from a specific tray within an entry.

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T.H., Oakland, CA