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Tech Notes

Begin printing from a specific tray within an entry

If your mailing consists of multiple entries, such as an SCF entry and a local entry, choosing a tray to begin from might be a little confusing, as you may have a tray 1 at the beginning of the mailing, as well as a tray 1 near the end of the mailing (beginning the SCF entry). Because of this, choosing your starting point for printing based on the tray should begin with choosing your Entry. Here's the best way to do this:

  1. In the Print Settings screen, click on the Look In pull down menu in the lower left corner of the window, and choose the cont_id field.
  2. Type in the container number that you want to begin with. The cont_id field is a 6 digit number with leading zeros, so if you want to begin printing with Tray number 3, type in 000003. The cursor will automatically advance to the first record of container 3.
  3. If you want to print the rest of your presort starting from the selected position, choose Rest in the Scope area. If you want to print a specific number of pieces, choose Next, and type in the number of pieces you'd like to print.
  4. Click Print to resume your printing.

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Just wanted to say THANKS!!!!!!! Great training session and I ran another list this afternoon, no issues!!!! You ROCK!!!! I am just so pleased with AccuZIP...Donna and Crissy are wonderful and everyone is so helpful! Very refreshing in these times!!! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!
L.B., Englewood, FL