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Four reasons why a presort won't finish

When you click on the Presort button from the Presort Setup window, this should automatically take you to the Print Presort window, where you can print your tags, reports, and addresses.

If you click on the Presort button and you're taken back to the database instead, here are some reasons why that could be happening:

  1. You're presorting a list that hasn't been validated, and you have the Include Non ZIP+4 Records box unchecked.
  2. There are no ZIP Codes in the ZIP field.
  3. The walkseq_ field has something in it other than or in addition to numbers. That field should only contain numbers (though it should be a Character type field).
  4. There's a custcode=custcode line in the database's .ini file. This reason for the presort not completing, however, has been fixed in an AccuZIP6 update (version 5.4.12). If you have a version earlier than this one, visit to update your software.

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Just had to write and tell you I got the update and I tell you, your product just gets gooder and gooder!   I love it! Keep up the wonderful work!
P.C., Auburn, AL