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Combine multiple record information into one record


In the command you will see the line:
Replace all ALLID_ with allt(fieldname)
Change (fieldname) to reflect the name of the field that contains the codes you'll be combining into one field. For instance, if you're going to be removing duplicates and combining information that's in an ID field into one field, the command would read:
Replace all ALLID_ with allt(id)

1. Download and extract the file to your C:\Program Files\AccuZIP6 4.0\Commands folder.
2. Open your database.
3. Run the duplicate search (Make sure you select the option to “BACKUP DUPLICATES” at the bottom of the duplicate window”
4. After the duplicate search finds the duplicate records, updated the database by clicking the diskette in the upper left of the window.
5. Click OK and now you should have your duplicate records marked in grey.
6. Run the command “Merge Information From Dup Records” from the Edit>Command window
7. The command will create new fields at the end of the record.
*AllID_ will be the combined information
*Dupkey will containg the match code
*Priority will contain “P” for Priority and “S” for the secondary information
*Groupct will contain the count for that duplicate.

Example of what to expect:
42311 Dave Smith 123 Main St Anywhere USA 12345
14561 Dave Smith 123 Main St Anywhere USA 12345
65162 Dave Smith 123 Main St Anywhere USA 12345
56581 Dave Smith 123 Main St Anywhere USA 12345

The Database will change to:
ID________________First_______Address____City_____ST__ZIP__ __ALLID
4231______________ Dave Smith 123 Main St Anywhere USA 12345 __4231,1456,6516,5658
1456 ______________Dave Smith 123 Main St Anywhere USA 12345
6516______________Dave Smith 123 Main St Anywhere USA 12345
5658 ______________Dave Smith 123 Main St Anywhere USA 12345

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Thanks for your reply [to my e- mail ]! Once again I'm impressed with how quickly you all respond to your customers.
T.B., Oklahoma City, OK