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Count marked records and fill count into another field

This command can take the total number of times a given value is in a field, and put the count into another field. In the example below, if you have 50 marked records, it'll put the number 50 into field1 for every marked record.

PUBLIC com_Count
COUNT FOR !EMPTY(x) TO com_Count
REPLACE field1 WITH ALLT(STR(com_Count)) FOR !EMPTY(x)

For the sake of looking at a specific value in a field, you could change the last two lines of the command to:
COUNT FOR "X" $ x TO com_Count
REPLACE field1 WITH ALLT(STR(com_Count)) FOR "X" $ x 

If field1 is a Numeric type field, change the last line of the command to read:

REPLACE field1 WITH com_Count FOR !EMPTY(x)

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T.B., Oklahoma City, OK