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Delete when there are Nth number of the same record

1. Download and extract this command file
2. Extract the “group and delete nth records.FXP” to the AccuZIP6 5.0 folder.
3. Extract the “group and delete nth records.txt” to the AccuZIP6 5.0\Commands folder.
4. Open the database in AccuZIP6 5.0
5. Run the duplicate search on whatever criteria you would like.
>>NOTE: In the duplicate search window make sure “Backup Duplicates” is selected in the bottom of the screen.
6. Update the database and run the group and delete nth records command from the Edit>Commands window.

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While we have consistently been impressed with the level of assistance we receive through your online chat portal, Geoff has been more than helpful and great to work with on every issue we’ve come across. He is quick to diagnose and resolve the issues. He also has offered to instruction and information to prevent future issues. He has even guided us through some functions of Accuzip we had not previously been utilizing. I wanted to take a minute and give a huge shout out to Geoff.
T.A., Grand Rapids, MI