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Change name of your reports from file name.pdf to CASS Certificate.pdf

If you want to rename the PDF of your CASS Certificate, calling it CASS CERTIFICATE.PDF, run this command:

rename FORCEEXT(DBF(),"")+".pdf" to ADDBS(JUSTPATH(DBF()))+"CASS Certificate.pdf"

Here's a command that will rename the eReports file, changing it from yourFileName.pdf to EREPORTS.PDF:

=STRTOFILE[REN "]+FORCEEXT(DBF(),"")+" ereports.pdf"+[" "EREPORTS.PDF"],FORCEEXT(DBF(),"BAT"),0)
com_Run=[! /N ]+FORCEEXT(DBF(),"BAT")

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Your technical staff is very good! Everyone I have live chatted with has, for the most part, solved the issue on the first pass.
T.R., Dothan, AL