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Import hundreds of lists at once

This command allows you to import several files at once, combining all files into one database.

In order for this to work, all of your files will have to have the same field structure, and the files will have to be in the same directory.

Open one of your files in AccuZIP6 by pulling down the File menu to Open List. Assign field names to your data. Uncheck the Optimize, Find Dups, Validate, and Presort boxes. Uncheck the Parse boxes. Click Import.

Download this command:
AccuZIP6 5.0 Import Command
Unzip the command into the C:\Program Files (x86)\AccuZIP6 5.0 folder.

After downloading the command, back in AccuZIP6, pull down the Edit menu to Command. In the Save As box, give the command a name, such as Import Multiple Files. Paste the following command into the Command Statement Syntax area:

=ImportFiles("*.xls","TYPE XL5")

In the example above, you would be importing several Excel files into the currently opened database. In this command, AccuZIP6 will automatically erase the records in the currently opened file, then it will begin importing all of the Excel files that are in the folder where the opened database resides.

You can change the last line of the command to import different types of files, in case you want to import a different format than xls.

To Import several Excel Files:
=ImportFiles("*.xls","TYPE XL5")

To Import several DBF Files:


To Import several CSV Files:

=ImportFiles("*.CSV","TYPE CSV")

To Import several Tab Delimited Text Files:


To Import several Fixed Length (SDF) Files:

=ImportFiles("*.SDF","TYPE SDF")

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Vince [in support] took the time and spent about 2 hours on the phone with me as we walked through an issue and figured out the problem. To me he went above and beyond normal support and really thought outside the box to figure out the solution. Thank you again Vince for all your help.
M.K., Aurora, IL