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Add Errno_ Definition field

Replace all errno_desc with "State Not Found" FOR "1.1" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "City not found " FOR "2.1" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "Street not found " FOR "3.1" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "Address not found" FOR "4.1" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "Incomputable +4 range" FOR "5.1" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "+4 unavailable" FOR "5.2" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "Multiple streets match" FOR "6.1" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "Multiple addresses match" FOR "6.2" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "Time ran out" FOR "7.1" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "Output too long" FOR "7.2" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "Company phonetic match used" FOR "8.1" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "First company match used" FOR "8.2" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "State determined from city" FOR "9.1" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "State determined from ZIP" FOR "9.2" $ LEFT(errno_,3)
Replace all errno_desc with "City phonetic match used" FOR "10.1" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "City determined from ZIP" FOR "10.2" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Acceptable city name used" FOR "10.3" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Address component Chg/Del/Add" FOR "11.1" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Street phonetic match used" FOR "11.1" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Pre-direction dropped" FOR "11.2" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Pre-direction added" FOR "11.3" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Suffix dropped" FOR "11.4" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Suffix added" FOR "11.5" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Post direction dropped" FOR "11.6" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Post direction added" FOR "11.7" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Pre-direction standardized" FOR "11.8" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Street standardized" FOR "11.9" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Suffix standardized" FOR "11.10" $ LEFT(errno_,5)
Replace all errno_desc with "Post direction standardized" FOR "11.11" $ LEFT(errno_,5)
Replace all errno_desc with "Street missing" FOR "11.12" $ LEFT(errno_,5)
Replace all errno_desc with "Alternate address used" FOR "11.13" $ LEFT(errno_,5)
Replace all errno_desc with "Address Standardized" FOR "11.14" $ LEFT(errno_,5)
Replace all errno_desc with "Dual address-Used PO Box" FOR "11.15" $ LEFT(errno_,5)
Replace all errno_desc with "Dual address-Used Non-PO Box" FOR "11.16" $ LEFT(errno_,5)
Replace all errno_desc with "Street Alias match-Better delivery address exists" FOR "11.17" $ LEFT(errno_,5)
Replace all errno_desc with "Unit standardized" FOR "12.1" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Unit missing" FOR "12.2" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Unit not found" FOR "12.3" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Unit unverified" FOR "12.4" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Rural box not found" FOR "12.5" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Leftovers found" FOR "13.1" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "No ZIP Code Available" FOR "14.1" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Incorrect ZIP Code was changed to correct ZIP" FOR "14.2" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "+4 changed" FOR "14.3" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Route changed" FOR "14.4" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "+4 added" FOR "14.5" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Route added" FOR "14.6" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "ZIP assigned for Multi-matched address" FOR "14.7" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Unique ZIP match" FOR "14.8" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Small town default match" FOR "14.9" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "ZIP Code Changed" FOR "15.0" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Highrise Default" FOR "15.1" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Highrise Exact" FOR "15.2" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Rural Route Default" FOR "15.3" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Rural Route Exact" FOR "15.4" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Early Warning System match." FOR "15.5" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "LACSLink Conversion Match" FOR "15.6" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "SuiteLink Match - Suite Returned" FOR "15.7" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "SuiteLink Match - No Suite Returned" FOR "15.8" $ LEFT(errno_,4)
Replace all errno_desc with "Address used for coding" FOR "A1" $ LEFT(errno_,2)
Replace all errno_desc with "Address not found in DPV Database" FOR "N N" $ LEFT(dpv_,3)

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Just wanted to say THANKS!!!!!!! Great training session and I ran another list this afternoon, no issues!!!! You ROCK!!!! I am just so pleased with AccuZIP...Donna and Crissy are wonderful and everyone is so helpful! Very refreshing in these times!!! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!
L.B., Englewood, FL