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Fix Private Mail Box (PMB) Addresses

This command is used to correct your Private Mail Box (PMB) addresses prior to validation. Whenever your address begins with PMB, running this command puts your puts your PMB at the back of the address, where it belongs.

Use this command to alleviate any errors that may occur during validation due to addresses beginning with PMB. The examples below will illustrate how the command reorganizes the address.

The Command At Work

Before Command After Command
Before running command After running command

The Command

Copy this command, then paste it into the large text area of the command window:

replace all address with chrtran(strtran(UPPER(address),"PMB","PMB "),[~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}|\'<>,.?/],space(26)), address with STRTRAN(address," "," "), address with IIF(LEFT(UPPER(address),3)="PMB",ALLT(SUBSTR(address,AT(" ",STRTRAN(address," "," "),2)))+" "+LEFT(address,AT(" ",STRTRAN(address," "," &),2)),address), address with STRTRAN(address,"PMB PMB","PMB"), address with iif(right(allt(address),3)="PMB",left(address,len(allt(address))-4),address) FOR "PMB" $ UPPER(address)

After clicking RUN, the PMB and box number will move to the back of the address, with the street number and street name beginning the address. This properly formats the address for validation.

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C.W., Los Angeles, CA