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Tech Notes

Script stalling when files are available in watch folder

If you setup the Script Monitor to Watch Hot Folders and no files appear in the Script Monitor window (when there are definitely qualified files in the Watch Folder) or if the script appears to freeze and the monitor icon's blinking freezes, the issue could be that the C:\Program Files (x86)\AccuZIP6 5.0\Scripts\Resources\ScriptsToProcess.txt is set to READ ONLY or CANNOT be written to or deleted by AccuZIP6 5.0.

To resolve the issue, browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\AccuZIP6 5.0\Scripts\Resources\ and delete the ScriptsToProcess.txt file.

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Thank you for continuing to produce a wonderful tool for the mail ing industry.   We continually enjoy the capabilities of your product. Once again, thank you for producing such an excellent product.
D.H., San Diego, CA