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Export undeliverables in a script with watch folders

Use this two-line command to export your undeliverables. This command assumes you have the Script Monitor - Write Input Files command as the second event of your script

COPY TO (FORCEEXT(com_InputFilePath,"")+"_undeliverable.dbf") FOR dpv_="N"

To export as comma-delimited text with the field names added as a header record:

COPY TO (FORCEEXT(DBF(),"")+"_undeliverable.dbf") FOR dpv_="N" TYPE CSV

To export as comma-delimited text with no header record:

COPY TO (FORCEEXT(DBF(),"")+"_undeliverable.dbf") FOR dpv_="N" TYPE DELIMITED

If you want to export specific fields, use this:

COPY TO (FORCEEXT(DBF(),"")+"_undeliverable.dbf") FIELDS first,last,zip FOR dpv_="N" TYPE CSV

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C.P., Houston, TX