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Change the name of the eReport in the database folder

If you would like to rename the eReports.pdf in the folder where it's being created from the current database, use the following command line.

When you create a report to a PDF in AccuZIP6, we always save it to the default folder where the file is located with the name of the file then eReports.pdf

The command will rename Filename eReports.pdf to Filename eReports1.pdf

From the Edit>Command window, copy/paste the following code into the Command statement syntax area.

rename FORCEEXT(com_PDFFilePath,"")+" eReports.pdf" to FORCEEXT(com_PDFFilePath,"")+" eReports1.pdf"

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The [Merge Fields feature]...saved me hours of having to do a bunch of manual address corrections in an updated database, that I already had done months ago on my original database. What a relief. Certainly Rolaids can't top this.
V.J., Los Angeles, CA