Use database as JOBID when using script upload to Accutrace
If you would like to use the database name as the JOBID for a file that you're uploading automatically in a script, you can use the following command.
Open your script, and create a new event. Make it a Command event.
Create a new command.
Name it JOBID in script or something that would make sense.
In the command statement syntax below copy/paste the following command.
com_PresortFolder=ADDBS(JUSTPATH(DBF("_azqualification"))) com_jobid=justfname(forceext(dbf(),"")) ocomEditIni=CREATEOBJECT('editini') ocomEditIni.IniPath=com_PresortFolder+"Presort.ini" ocomEditIni.AddIfNotFound=.T. ocomEditIni.Sectionhdr='[MAILDAT]' ocomEditIni.Searchfor='JOBID=' ocomEditIni.Replacewith=TRANSFORM(com_jobid) ocomEditIni.UpdateIni() |
Make sure to place this command after the presort event and before the Upload to AccuTRACE event in the script.
If you're not presorting, use this instead:
ocomEditIni=CREATEOBJECT('editini') ocomEditIni.Sectionhdr='[ACCUTRACE]' |