Add Custom Fields to a Label Template
AccuZIP6 has designed many standard Label Templates to suit your needs. The Templates are located inside the AccuZIP6 Folder/Directory in a folder called Labels. The standard templates are programmed to contain the following data:
Template Line | Definition |
AzEndorse | Postal Endorsement Line |
AzFirst+" "+AzLast | First and Last name |
AzCompany | Company |
AzAddress | Address |
AzCity+" "+AzSt+" "+AzZip | City, State Zip |
To add a field to your template do the following:
- Pull your Edit menu down to Labels.
- Open the Labels folder/directory which is located in the AccuZIP6 4.0 folder/directory.
- Open a label template that matches the size that you wish to print on.
- Pull the File menu down to Save As. Give your new Label Template a name that you will remember.
- Double click on the line that you wish to modify. For example, if you wish to add the Salutation field in front of the First and Last name, double click on AzFirst+" "+AzLast.
- In the next window, click on the Expression button.
- In the Expression For Field on Report box, type the following:
Alltrim(Fieldname)+" "+AzFirst+" "+AzLast
An explanation of the above is:
Description | Expression |
Add a field to your template | Alltrim(Fieldname) |
Add a space in between fields | +" "+ |
AzFirst+" "+AzLast | First and Last, separated by a space |
The letters AZ, in front of an AccuZIP6 default field name, serve two purposes:
- AZ has a built-in ALLTRIM() function in it, so when you use AZ, there's no need to use ALLTRIM()
- AZ in front of the field name prevents an error from appearing if the field is not in the database. For example, if you have ALLTRIM(company) in your template but you don't have a company field in your database, previewing or printing the template will result in the error: Variable Company Not Found. If you have AzCompany in your template, that error won't appear, even if you don't have a company field in your database. NOTE: Az can only appear in front of AccuZIP6 default field names. Putting it in front of a non-AccuZIP6 field will result in an error message.
- Click OK and OK again to return to your label template.
- Close the label template and save the changes.
Fields can also be drawn into the Label Template. You may want to do this if your adding a line to the template. To draw in your field, follow the instructions below:
- Pull your Edit menu down to Labels.
- Open the Labels folder which is located in the AccuZIP6 5.0 folder.
- Open a label template that matches the size that you wish to print on.
- Pull the File menu down to Save As. Give your new label template a name that you will remember.
- Make a space for your new field:
- If you're adding a line, select the line(s) below where you want to add the field and move them down by either dragging them with your mouse or using the up and down arrows on your keyboard.
- If your adding a field at either end of an existing line, re-size the field by clicking and dragging on the handles on the side of the field box.
- Click on the "ab" button on the tool bar. This will turn your cursor into a cross.
- Line the cross up where you want to draw the field and click and drag.
- When you release the mouse you will be in the Report Expression Window.
- Click once on Expression. This will bring you to the Expression Builder.
- In the Expression For Field on Report box, type alltrim(fieldname). Enter the name of the field you wish to add to the template inside the parenthesis.
- Click OK and OK again to return to the label template.
- Close the label template and save the changes.