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Create your own Count On any field Report

These instructions show how to take the Count On Group1 report, make a copy of it, and change the copy to a Count on Name report. Using these methods, you can make a Count On report for any field in your database.

I suggest making a copy of the Count on Group1 report, rename the copy, then change the name of the field named Group1 to Name in the different spots in the template where Group1 is named.

Pull down File to Print > Report.
In the Report Settings window, select the Count On Group1.frx from the template pull down menu.

Beneath the template pulldown, click on the Copy Template button. Give the template a new name, such as Count On Name. Click on the Edit Template button.

Above the Group Footer bar, there are three boxes. Double click on each of those boxes, and in the Report Expression window, erase the expression that’s in the text box, and change it to simply read: NAME.

After doing that to all three boxes above Group Footer, pull down the Report menu to Data Grouping.

Where it says Group Expressions, erase the expression currently in the box, then type in the word NAME. Click OK.

The only thing left to do in the report is change the text. Click on the text tool (capital A tool) in the toolbar, then highlight where it reads Group1, and change that to Name. When you’re finished making changes, close the template.

Back in the Report settings window, click on the Report Filters button. Under Sort Filter For Report, Erase the existing sort filter, and type in: Name

Click Save. Add that report to the List of Reports to Print, and remove any report from the List of Reports to print that you don’t want to print. Your report is ready to use.

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