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Print Count on CRRT report for crrts with 125 each

The Count on Crrt report will display a list of carrier routes within each ZIP Code, and their counts. If you want to restrict the list of carrier routes on that report to those that have a specific number of records per route, follow the instructions below.

In the example below, this prints a carrier route report for the routes that have at least 125 in each route.

With your database open in AccuZIP6, pull down the Edit menu to Command. Paste this command into the Command Statement Syntax area:

SELECT LEFT(zip,5)+crrt as zip FROM (ALIAS()) GROUP BY 1 HAVING COUNT(LEFT(zip,5)+crrt)>=125 INTO CURSOR _zips READWRITE
INDEX ON zip TAG zip
REPLACE X WITH "X" FOR SEEK(LEFT(zip,5)+crrt,"_zips")

After running that command, pull down the File menu to Print > Reports.

In the Report Settings window, select the Count on Crrt template from the template pull down menu. Click on the Report Filters button.

In the Search Filter For Report area, type: “X” $ X

Click Save, then print your report. The report will only contain carrier route counts for those that have at least 125 in a route.

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Thank you for providing such a powerful product! I am so glad I renewed in at the 3-year level. I am amazed at what a difference the ANKlink makes on cleaning client databases.
C.S., Sequim, WA