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Add an Indicia to a Label Template

By default, most AccuZIP6 label templates do not contain an indicia. If you're using a label template that doesn't have an indicia, these instructions will help you learn how to add one.

  1. From the Print Settings window in AccuZIP6, click on the Edit Template button.
  2. Click on the text tool (A) on the toolbar along the left hand side of the label template.
  3. Click your cursor in the template where you want to add the indicia.
  4. Type in the text for the indicia, pressing enter to continue to the next line.
  5. To add a box around the indicia, click on the rectangle tool button, then click and drag your cursor to draw the rectangle around the text.
  6. To reposition the text or the rectangle, click and drag to the desired location.
  7. To change the font of the text, click on the text to select it. From the Format menu, choose Font and select the desired font. To center the text, click on the text, then pull down the Format menu to Text Alignment > Center.
  8. From the File menu, choose Save As, and give the template a new name, i.e. indicia.lbx. Close the template and you are ready to print.

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J.P., Santa Monica, CA