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Tech Notes

Printing continuous feed container tags to a thermal printer

Go into your Control panel, then into your Printers area, then make your thermal printer the default printer. This will only need to be temporary

After doing this, go back into AccuZIP6. Pull down the Edit menu to Label.

Go up a level to the AccuZIP6 5.0 folder, then open the iPresort folder, then the Reports folder. Open Traytagimb.lbx

In that template, pull down the File menu to Page Setup.

At the bottom of the screen, make sure your thermal printer is selected

If the correct printer is listed in the Printer box, then check the Save Printer Environment box. Click on Page Setup.

Next, choose the correct paper size and then the correct paper source.

Click OK. Click OK again. Back at Label Designer, double click on the Detail bar.

In the General tab, make sure the height matches the height of the paper size you selected

Click OK. Close the template and click Yes to save the changes.

Once you've followed these instructions, you'll have associated your continuous feed tray tags with IM Barcodes to your thermal printer.

At this point, you can go back into the Printers area of your control panel and change the default printer back to your report printer

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