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File In Use - The ADVANCE SHEET was printed successfully...still open in the Windows Spooler Service

File In Use error

Sometimes the error will appear because of some other underlying issue. To troubleshoot, uncheck the Create PDF box and check the Preview box to see if any other errors appear, like a variable (field name) not found error or syntax error, as correcting these issues will prevent the error message above. If you're not getting an error message during preview, then (and only then) follow the steps below. 

  1. Right-click on the Windows Start button and click on Run
  2. Type services.msc into the Run window and click OK
  3. Scroll down to Print Spooler right-click on it, and tell it to STOP the service
  4. Right-click on the Windows Start button and click on Run again
  5. Type Spool into the run window and click on OK
  6. Double-click on the Printers folder and click Continue if it says you don’t have permission
  7. Delete any loose files inside the folder and close the spool folder window
  8. Right-click on the Print Spooler and tell it to START the service
  9. Close the Services window

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Each tech that I have worked with has been pleasant, patient and extremely helpful. Your team is top notch. I look forward to working with each of them in the future.
T.P., Spartanburg, SC