Locate several records in a database and print their addresses
With this technote, you'll use the Quick Find, Mark and Show Marked features in AccuZIP6 to flag several records that you'd like to print. This technote is specifically about printing, but when you find, mark, and show marked records, you can do anything you'd like with that selection. Delete the records, validate them, export them, print them, run a command on them, print a report that includes those records, and more.
- Open your database in AccuZIP6.
- At the bottom of your database, there's a Look In area. Click on that pull down menu, and choose the field you'd like to search.
- In the Find: text box, type what you're searching for.
- As you type, records in your database will be narrowed down until the one you want appears on your screen.
- Click on that record.
- After finding the record you're looking for, you can mark the record.
- Press CTRL+M.
- Click on the Record option, then click Mark.
- Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each of the records that you want to print.
- Click on the Show pull down menu, and choose Marked.
- With that selection of records on your screen, pull down the File menu to Print > Labels.
- In the Print Settings window, click on Selection.