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Creating a Blank Label Between Packages or Trays

To print a blank label between packages or trays do the following:

  1. From the Print Settings window, click on the Edit Template button.
  2. From the Report menu, choose Data Grouping.
  3. If you want the header label to print before every package, then into the Group Expressions box, type: cont_id+gpb_id
  4. If you want the header label to print before every tray, then into the Group Expressions box, type: cont_id
  5. Click OK
  6. Click OK out of the Data Grouping window.
  7. Follow these directions to adjust the height of the Header Label:
    1. Double click on the Detail bar, and note the height. Click OK.
    2. Double-click on the Group Header bar.
    3. The Group Header should be the same size as the detail band. So if the Detail height was 1 inch, make the Group Header height 1 inch.
    4. Click OK.
  8. If you want to add text to the header label, follow steps 9 and 10 below. Otherwise, skip to step 11.
  9. To add text to the Header Label, use the "A" tool on the tool bar. First click on the "A" tool and then position the cursor where you want to type the text in the Header Label.
  10. To add the Trayno and Bundle fields to your header:
    1. Click on the ab tool button in the tool bar. Place your cursor where you want the tray number or bundle number to appear. Click and drag the cursor to draw a box.
    2. When you release the mouse you will be in a Report Expression window. In the text area to the right of the Expression box type Trayno or Bundle.
    3. Click OK to return to the label template.
  11. From the File menu, choose Save As.
  12. Give the label template a new name, such as, break.lbx, and click Save.
  13. Close the label template.
  14. When you print from Presort and you want a header label, select this label template.

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L.L., Manhattan, KS