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Tech Notes

Create a Loose Pallet

If you are trying to make a pallet to put all your mail on, even though you may have a mailing that doesn't meet a minimum quantity to go onto a pallet, you can make a loose pallet (and you'll have to create your own pallet card) by following these instructions:

Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\AccuZIP6 5.0\iPresort\INI Defaults, and open the ADVANCEDSETTINGS.INI File in Notepad or Wordpad.

Add this section to the Advancedsettings.ini file:


Close the file, then click Yes to save the changes.

Presort your list again, and your mail should be able to go on one pallet.

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I was looking for an easy to use all-in-one postal software solution and was working with Satori Software. They quoted me $10,000.00 which was out of the realm of our budget. I was also lead to believe that they were the only solution, until I found Accuzip. I was able to save my company over $9,000.00 with one phone call to your courteous and knowledgeable sales staff. Your product does everything that we need and much much more. Thank you Accuzip!
J.S., Newark, OH