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Low Volume carrier route bundles (fewer than 6 pieces)

Optional Carrier Route Preparation (707.23.0)

Bundles: Six or more pieces addressed to the same carrier route (city route, rural route, highway contract route, post office box section, or general delivery unit) must be prepared in bundles. Carrier route bundles may be prepared with fewer than 6 pieces when the publisher determines the preparation will improve service. Pieces in these low-volume carrier route bundles must be claimed at the basic presort price, see 707.23.6.

To create bundles of fewer than six pieces, which will get a basic presort price rather than a carrier route price, follow these instructions:

  • Browse to C:\Program Files\AccuZIP6 5.0\iPresort\INI Defaults\
  • Open the advancedsettings.ini file in a text editor such as notepad.
  • Add these lines to the advancedsettings.ini file:

If there is already a [MISC] section in that document, then add the LOWVOLUME=1 line below it.

If you do not have an advancedsettings.ini file in your INI Defaults folder, create that file by right-clicking inside the INI Defaults folder and choosing New > Text Document. Name the file advancedsettings.ini, confirm that you’re changing the extension, then add the two lines to that file, mentioned above.

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T.B., Oklahoma City, OK