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Run AccuZIP6 in Terminal Services

After installing AccuZIP6 from the computer where AccuZIP6 will reside, browse to "C:\Program Files (x86)\AccuZIP6 5.0\iPresort\INI Defaults" and open ADVANCEDSETTINGS.INI with a text editor.

In the Miscellaneous section, you’ll need to add a SILENTMODE option:


Close the advancedsettings.ini file and save the changes, and AccuZIP6 can now run successfully in terminal services.

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I can't believe how excellent your support is. The last disaster you rescued me from was one that a programmer had told me had no answer that he knew of. Well, you know more than him! I e mail ed you on a SATURDAY and you had the problem solved by Monday morning!
C.P., Houston, TX