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Tech Notes

Email address in maildat.hdr

The order is this:

1. Scripts\Presort\
2. Local Database.ini

If the information is already populated, it will not be replaced. For example, if the USEREMAIL=XXXXX, it will not be replaced with the MAILDAT.INI USEREMAIL= value.

The customer can either Delete the entire [MAILDAT] section of their local database.ini, then presort again, or change USEREMAIL=XXXXX to USEREMAIL=

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We have over 200 vendors we work with on a daily basis and (the AccuZIP6 techs) are the most knowledgable, helpful group of folks I have worked with, always willing to go out of the way to help. As owner and GM of a Print and Mail Shop I admire the dedication these folks have in making sure we are satisfied. I also appreciate the fact that a human answers the phone.
M.S., Mt. Vernon, IL