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At least one record in the .cqt file must contain a Service Level Indicator of F when the .seg Full Service Participation Indicator is populated with M


"The value provide for the .cqt Service Level Indicator field was O; it must contain F = Full Service when the .seg Full-Service Participation Indicator is populated with F = Full Service. Populate the .cqt Service Level Indicator field with F when the .seg Full-Service Participation Indicator field is populated with F."

The .seg Full-Service Participation Indicator is field SEG-1146. Values for this field can be F (for Full), M (for Mixed), or Blank.

CQT-1112 is the Service Level Indicator. Values for this field:
F = Full Service; B = Basic; P = PostNet and O for Other such as non-auto.

This issue occurs in a First Class Manifest Letter mailing where there are less than 500 automation rate letters in the mailing.

The value provide for the .cqt Service Level Indicator field was B; it must contain F = Full Service when the .seg Full-Service Participation Indicator is populated with F = Full Service.","Populate the .cqt Service Level Indicator field with F when the .seg Full-Service Participation Indicator field is populated with F.

To remedy this, either presort with the full-service box unchecked in the presort setup window or uncheck the Include Non ZIP+4 Records box.

"CQT-1112","68 - 68","0555","ERROR","At least one record in the .cqt file must contain a Service Level Indicator of F when the .seg Full Service Participation Indicator is populated with M = Mixed (Basic and Full Mixed) The value provided was O.","Populate the .cqt Service Level Indicator field with F for at least one record when the .seg Full-Service Participation Indicator field is populated with M."

This error indicates none of the records in the maildat.cqt file have an F in field 1112.

The M in the SEG field 1146 indicate there's some full service records in the mailing, which means maildat.cqt field 1146 has to have at least one record with an F in that field. When CQT field 1112 has only B (basic) and O (nonauto) values in that field, then the error will occur.

This will happen if you choose a Non-full-service STID yet you check the Full-Service IMB Rates box in the Presort Setup window.

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