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Tech Notes

Political and Election Mailing Checkboxes on the Dashboard

If you want to have your full-service mailing recognized as Political or Election mail, you would make this selection in the Presort Setup window.

In Presort Setup, notice the Incentives section in the lower right corner of the screen.

Click on the pull down menu and choose C-Content.
Click on the browse button to the left of the box beneath the pull down menu and choose either PM - Political Mail or EM - Election Mail.

When you presort, this information will be entered appropriately into the maildat.ccr file.

NOTE: When you're about to print your postal reports, do not check Political or Election Mail in the Mailing Statement Setup window. Checking these boxes will not give you the desired result, and may result in a failed attempt at PostalOne validation.


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I was looking for an easy to use all-in-one postal software solution and was working with Satori Software. They quoted me $10,000.00 which was out of the realm of our budget. I was also lead to believe that they were the only solution, until I found Accuzip. I was able to save my company over $9,000.00 with one phone call to your courteous and knowledgeable sales staff. Your product does everything that we need and much much more. Thank you Accuzip!
J.S., Newark, OH