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Create Custom Mailer ID field for IM Barcode Printing

If you have a Mailer ID and want to use a field in your database to assign the Mailer ID and/or Service Type, follow these instructions to use a field in your database for that purpose:

  1. Exit the AccuZIP6 program.
  2. Browse to the C:\Program Files\AccuZIP6 5.0\iMail folder, and open the imailbcinfo.dat file in a text editor.
  3. To the file imailbcinfo.dat file, add these lines below Use Serial Number From Field:

    Use Mailer ID From Field=
    Use Service Type From Field=


[First Class]
Mailer ID=
Service Type=
Serial Number Range=
Use Serial Number From Field=
Use Mailer ID From Field=
Use Service Type From Field=
Last Serial Number Used=

  1. Repeat this process for each class of mail used, i.e., “[First Class]”, “[Standard Mail]”, etc...
  2. Close the imailbcinfo.dat file, then click Yes to save the changes.
  3. Launch AccuZIP6.
  4. From the Additions menu, choose AccuTrace > Intelligent Mail Setup...
  5. Click the + next to the class of mail and enter the field name you wish to use for the Mailer ID and/or the Service Type. After typing in the name of the field, press the Enter key to lock it in.
  6. Repeat Step 8 for each class of mail you'll be using. Click OK when you're finished.

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