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Export Pallet Mark field

Here are instructions for adding the palmark_ field to your presort fields:

Pull down the File menu to Open Database.

Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\AccuZIP6 5.0\iPresort\Templates and open presortout.dbf

Pull down the Edit menu to Fields. Create a field named palmark_
Make it a Character type field with a width of 2.

Click OK, then click Yes.

Close the presortout.dbf file.

Now when you presort your list, you'll have the palmark_ field, which gives you two asterisks each time a new pallet is created.

Related Tech Note: Export Endorsement on First, Last, or First and Last Piece of Container (or bundle) 

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Thank you for providing such a powerful product! I am so glad I renewed in at the 3-year level. I am amazed at what a difference the ANKlink makes on cleaning client databases.
C.S., Sequim, WA