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Tech Notes

Export Endorsement with Tray and Sequence number

In the Export Setup window, add the Endorse field to the Export Field Attributes area.

In the Expression column, paste the following expression:

ALLT(PADL(TRANSFORM(VAL(cont_id)),6," "))+"*"+ALLT(PADL(TRANSFORM(VAL(sequence)),6," "))+"*"+PADL(ALLT(endorse),25,"*")

If you want the endorsement line to be Pallet number, Container number, Piece number, Endorsement, use this expression instead:

ALLT(PADL(TRANSFORM(VAL(pallet_id)),6," "))+"*"+ALLT(PADL(TRANSFORM(VAL(cont_id)),6," "))+"*"+ALLT(PADL(TRANSFORM(VAL(sequence)),6," "))+"*"+PADL(ALLT(endorse),25,"*")

Remember to save the export map so you'll have this expression for later use. Expressions can be copied from one export map to another.

Related Tech Note: Export Endorsement on First, Last, or First and Last Piece of Container (or bundle) 

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