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Tech Notes

Export the Code 128 Barcode Characters

To export the Code 128 Barcode characters for use in another program, follow these steps:

1. Presort your list.

2. From the Print Presort window click Print Labels.

3. From the Print Settings window click on the Output pull-down menu and choose Disk File.

4. From the Export Setup window, click the “Add User Defined Line to Export” button (located to the right of the “Export All Fields” check box)

5. Enter: Code128 as the name of the new field.

6. Copy/Paste the line below into the Expression text box area on the same row as the Code128:

7. Add all of the other fields you want and select the Export Format you want, i.e. Comma Separated, dBase, etc…

8. Click Export.

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C.P., Houston, TX