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AccuZIP Data Enhancement Services

Data Enhancement Services

Here's how it works

With a database open in AccuZIP6, and either while you're showing all records or a selection of records, pull down the Special menu to Data Enhancement Services

In that window, check any of these boxes:

  • DSF2
  • Apartment Append
  • ACOA
  • Deceased

Check any of these boxes or all of them. The price doesn't change based on what you check

When you enter the Data Enhancement Services window, the price is instantly calculated on the screen based on your selection of records.

Click Buy, and then you'll be taken to a screen to enter your credit card information. Enter your credit card info then click Process, and then the process will begin.

DES Secure Payment Information

The Price

1 - 250,000 records $1.00
250,001 - 2,000,000 records $0.85
2,000,001 - 10,000,000 records $0.65

We don't round up. If you have 3100 records, you're not charged $4.00. You're charged $3.10. If you process 100 records, you're charged a dime.

You're charged per transaction

Your data will upload to our server where it will be updated and have fields appended. More information about each feature can be learned by clicking on the question mark button on the Data Enhancement Services screen.

While the file is processing on our server, you're free to close the monitor and close your database. This won't stop the process. Later, open your database, then pull down the Special menu to Monitor Data Enhancement Services...
Monitor Data Enhancement Services
Your database will be updated with new information based on the Data Enhancement choices you selected.

Data Enhancement Services Field Definitions and Values

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I Just wanted to let you know we are in the Postal Fort Worth Texas Division and I received a call from someone in their office today wanting to ask me some questions. He asked if I understood about the changes with the move update starting for this month, then he asked me what software we were using. I explained to him that we have been using AccuZIP Software for the last 20 years and I thought you were the #1 in the United States. I told him that you were the only software displayed in the Postal Section of the Smithsonian Institute. He asked me if I had to manually change the updated addresses and I told him no that the Software did it for us and I could print a report showing the old address and the new address. He told me out of 32,000 names that were updated only 3 were wrong and he just wanted to call me to see what Software we were using. Thanks for such good software and support from your company over the past 20 years.
C.K., Wichita Falls, TX