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Z4Change required fields

Fields Required for Z4Change Processing:

Note: The fields can be in any order
Company Name (if applicable)
Standardized Address
Standardized City
Standardized State Abbreviation
Standardized ZIP or ZIP+4
DPVNotes_ column (DPV Flag first 4-bytes minimum, e.g., AABB)
DP column (Delivery Point 2-bytes)
Type_ (Address Type 1-byte)
Primary_ column (10-bytes)
Pre_ column (2-bytes)
Street_ column (28-bytes)
Post_ column (2-bytes)
Suffix_ column (4-bytes)
Abrev_ column (4-bytes)
Secy_ column (8-bytes)
Pmb_ column (3-bytes)
Pmbno_ column (8-bytes)
Cassdate_ column (6 bytes)

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We spoke with several different companies and even had samples sent to us. We chose AccuZIP6 and I have never been happier about spending over $1000 on software in my life.
C.W., Los Angeles, CA