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Tech Notes

Manifest Mail: Add Price Per Piece field to your presort file

By default, the rate_ field will appear as 0.00 when you perform a manifest mailing. But there is a field that can be added that will give you a price for each piece in the presort. Follow these instructions to create that field:

  • With AccuZIP6 open, pull down the File menu to Open Database.
  • Browse to C:\Program Files\AccuZIP6 5.0\iPresort\Templates and open the presortout.dbf file.
  • Pull down the Edit menu to Fields. In the Table Structure window, add a field named qualpstg.
    • Make it a Character field and a width of 7.
  • Click OK, then click Yes to make the structure changes permanent.
  • Close the Presortout.dbf file.
  • Presort your database.
  • In the Print Presort window, click on Print Labels.

In the Print Settings window, there will be a field named qualpstg which will contain a 7-digit number with an implied decimal after the third digit.

Example: 0003350=.335

This field will be available when you export the presort.

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