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Tech Notes

Manifest Mail: Manifest Parcels-Remove optional sortation levels

If you'd like to remove the creation of optional sortation levels like 5-digit and 3-digit, the instructions below will help you do that.

  • Browse to C:\Program Files\AccuZIP6 5.0\iPresort\INI Defaults\
  • Open the AdvancedSettings.ini file in any text editor
  • Add the following Section and Setting to AdvancedSettings.ini:


  • Close advancedsettings.ini and save the changes
  • Launch AccuZIP6. Presort your list again

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Prior to Accuzip we used SAP Postalsoft. We looked for its replacement and chose Accuzip based on testimonials of how great customer service was and on pricing which was very attractive. Best move we've ever made in software and you folks live up to all the good things I heard. I still get calls every 6 months from FirstLogic ( a distributer of the old Postalsoft and others) to see if I'm still happy with Accuzip. I always say the same thing: Yes, very happy. Thanks for checking in.
B.H., Newtown, PA