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Tech Notes

Common Toolkit Errors and Issues

If you attempt to call the zp4connect in Step 2 of the documentation and get an error:

Refer to the error codes on page 8. The most common error is #5, and in most cases, it means the path established in the code to the config.acu is invalid, or the contents of that file are invalid.

For example, if you had your config.acu in a directory called C:\AccuZIPToolkit, then you either need to declare a variable in your code using the "C:\AccuZIPToolkit\Config.acu" path, or your zp4connect call MUST read:


Where "ErrorMsg" is your variable for the error message displayed.

That allows the zp4connect function to properly locate the Config.acu file. If you still return an error, open the Config.acu and verify that the paths point to the correct locations for all files.

If you stored your USPS database files in the C:\AccuZIPToolkit\ folder, then your Config.acu would look something like this:


If you return an error 5 when calling zp4connect, either the system cannot find the Config.acu, or the Config.acu contents have incorrect path names.

If you return an error code 3, however, it's because the NATIONAL folder itself is read-only. Make sure the ADRDATA folder and all subfolders referenced in your config.acu have read/write permissions.

How to determine if records returned are good or bad
This question comes up periodically, especially if you use the Desktop Application as well. While the desktop application has a Errno_ field, the Toolkit return codes do not. You want to look at the DPV and the DPV Notes returns, which will tell you if the record returned good data, or had issues matching the address.[/b]

If your trial version date expired, but you are not getting the prompt to enter a new serial number for the full version subscription you purchased
Go into your AccuZIPToolkit\Support folder, and delete the AccuAddress.dat file. The next time you call the object, it will prompt for a serial number. Enter the serial number given to you at the time of purchase (or request a new one from support).

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You guys have indeed been great partners in aiding us with getting our mailings processed through your software and out the door.  I want to say we’ve been with you guys for at least 12 years now, if not longer.  Find something good you stick with it is how I see it.
P.H., Colorado Springs, CO