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Footnote Code Descriptions

A# : Corrected ZIP Code

The address was found to have a different 5-digit ZIP Code than given in the submitted list. The correct ZIP Code is shown in the ZIP Code field.

B# : Fixed city/state spelling

The spelling of the city name and/or state abbreviation in the submitted address was found to be different than the standard spelling. The standard spelling of the city name and state abbreviation is shown in the City and State fields.

C#: Invalid city/state/ZIP

The ZIP Code in the submitted address could not be found because neither a valid city and state, nor valid 5-digit ZIP Code was present. Recommendation is that the customer check the accuracy of the submitted address.

D#: No ZIP+4 assigned

This is a record listed by the United States Postal Service as a non-deliverable location. Recommendation is that the customer check the accuracy of the submitted address.

E#: Same ZIP for multiple

Multiple records were returned, but each shares the same 5-digit ZIP Code.

F# : Address not found

The address, exactly as submitted, could not be found in the city, state, or ZIP Code provided. Many factors contribute to this; either the primary number is missing, the street is missing, or the street is too horribly misspelled to understand.

G# : Used firm data

Information in the firm line was determined to be a part of the address. It was moved out of the firm line and incorporated into the address line.

H# : Missing secondary number

ZIP+4 information indicates that this address is a building. The address as submitted does not contain a secondary (apartment, suite, etc.) number. Recommendation is that the customer check the accuracy of the submitted address and add the missing secondary number to ensure the correct Delivery Point Barcode (DPBC).

I# : Insufficient/ incorrect address data

More than one ZIP+4 Code was found to satisfy the address as submitted. The submitted address did not contain sufficiently complete or correct data to determine a single ZIP+4 Code. Recommendation is that the customer check the accuracy and completeness of the submitted address. For example, a street may have a similar address at both the north and south ends of the street.

J# : Dual address

The input contained two addresses. For example: 123 MAIN ST PO BOX 99.

K# : Cardinal rule match

The cardinal direction (North, South, East, West) was changed in order to obtain a match. While the output address is valid, it may not be the intended address, so be aware.

L# : Changed address component

An address component (i.e., directional or suffix only) was added, changed, or deleted in order to achieve a match.

LL# or LI# : Flagged address for LACSLink

The input address matched a record that was LACS-indicated, that was submitted to LACSLink for processing. This does not mean that the address was converted; it only means that the address was submitted to LACSLink because the input address had the LACS indicator set.

M# : Fixed street spelling

The spelling of the street name was changed in order to achieve a match.

N# : Fixed abbreviations

The delivery address was standardized. For example, if STREET was in the delivery address, the Toolkit will return ST as its standard spelling.

O# : Multiple ZIP+4; lowest used

More than one ZIP+4 Code was found to satisfy the address as submitted. The lowest ZIP+4 add-on may be used to break the tie between the records.

P# : Better address exists

The delivery address is matchable, but it is known by another (preferred) name. For example, in New York, NY, AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS is also known as 6TH AVE. An inquiry using a delivery address of 39 6th Avenue would be flagged with Footnote P.

Q# : Unique ZIP match

Match to an address with a unique ZIP Code, so any address entry is considered valid.

R# : No match; EWS: Match soon

The delivery address is matchable, but the Early Warning System file indicates that an exact match will be available soon.

S# : Bad secondary address

The secondary information (apartment, suite, etc.) does not match that on the national ZIP+4 file. The secondary information, although present on the input address, was not valid in the range found on the national ZIP+4 file.

T# : Multiple response due to magnet street syndrome

The search resulted in a single response; however, the record matched was flagged as having magnet street syndrome, and the input street name components (pre-directional, primary street name, post-directional, and suffix) did not exactly match those of the record. A "magnet street" is one having a primary street name that is also a suffix or directional word, having either a post-directional or a suffix (i.e., 2220 PARK MEMPHIS TN logically matches to a ZIP+4 record 2200-2258 PARK AVE MEMPHIS TN 38114-6610), but the input address lacks the suffix "AVE" which is present on the ZIP+4 record. The primary street name "PARK" is a suffix word. The record has either a suffix or a post-directional present. Therefore, in accordance with CASS requirements, a ZIP+4 Code must not be returned. The multiple response return code is given since a "no match" would prevent the best candidate.

U# : Unofficial post office name

The city or post office name in the submitted address is not recognized by the United States Postal Service as an official last line name (preferred city name), and is not acceptable as an alternate name. The preferred city name is included in the City field.

V# : Unverifiable city / state

The city and state in the submitted address could not be verified as corresponding to the given 5-digit ZIP Code. This comment does not necessarily denote an error; however, the recommendation is that the customer check the accuracy of the city and state in the submitted address.

W# : Invalid delivery address

The input address record contains a delivery address other than a PO Box, General Delivery, or Postmaster 5-digit ZIP Code that is identified as a "small town default". The USPS does not provide street delivery service for this ZIP Code. The USPS requires the use of a PO Box, General Delivery, or Postmaster for delivery within this ZIP Code.

X# : Unique ZIP Code

Default match inside a unique ZIP Code

Y# : Military match

Match made to a record with a military ZIP Code.

Z# : Matched with ZIPMOVE

The ZIPMOVE product shows which ZIP+4 records have moved from one ZIP Code to another. If an input address matches a ZIP+4 record which the ZIPMOVE product indicates has moved, the search is performed again in the new ZIP Code.

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I can't tell you how much I appreciate the awesome tech support you guys give. I am NEVER going back to postal soft... you guys have spoiled me.
M.D., Paradise, CA