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Tech Notes

Results by State map doesn't appear?

You'll need to enter a valid ZIP+4 in the ZIP+4 box at the top of the job screen, and there should be an orange checkmark icon next to that zip+4, rather than a yellow triangle.

A yellow triangle indicates we couldn't find a lat/long for the given zip+4. Click on the triangle, then enter the latitude and longitude coordinates for that zip+4.

Doing this will turn the warning triangle into an orange checkmark and enable you to see the map.

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As a new customer of Accuzip, I just wanted to thank you for all of Accuzip’s help and patience with us in preparing this job so well. Our particular thanks to your technicians for multiple support calls and emails with our elementary questions while we learned on-the-job. Frankly, none of us had any experience with postal regulations or mail list technology, so we are especially grateful to have had them as a resource. Please tell them how much we appreciate their help!
K.M., Atlanta, GA