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Add a Residential Delivery Record status to each valid address in your database.

Residential Delivery Indicator, also known as RDI, helps mailers indentify residential addresses. Unlike the United States Postal Service®, some shipping companies charge a higher price for delivery to a residence. If you are shipping to residences, you may lower costs by shipping with the Postal Service™ and avoid residential delivery surcharges.

RDI-enabled software helps you make informed shipping decisions by identifying whether a delivery type is classified as residential or business. RDI isn't just beneficial for reducing shipping costs. If your customer's mailing is intended to target only homes, RDI can help you there as well. You can now add RDI to your valid addresses in AccuZIP6. During the validation process, the RDI field will be populated with a Y or N, indicating whether or not an address is a residence. This extra feature will not slow down the validation process.

RDI Values:
Y = Residential Delivery
N = Not Residential Delivery
Blank = Did not query RDI

This RDI feature is an add-on module for AccuZIP6 that requires an activation registration number.

Learn More About AccuZIP's Residential Delivery Indicator

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Prior to Accuzip we used SAP Postalsoft. We looked for its replacement and chose Accuzip based on testimonials of how great customer service was and on pricing which was very attractive. Best move we've ever made in software and you folks live up to all the good things I heard. I still get calls every 6 months from FirstLogic ( a distributer of the old Postalsoft and others) to see if I'm still happy with Accuzip. I always say the same thing: Yes, very happy. Thanks for checking in.
B.H., Newtown, PA