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User Group Conference

Inaugural World of AccuZIP User Group Conference

WOA welcome reception video

World of AccuZIP Photos

Explore the World of AccuZIP User Conference!

Check out recorded sessions from the World of AccuZIP, view photos from the social events, read what attendees said about the conference, and pick up some valuable tips that were learned at this inaugural two-day event!

World of AccuZIP at a Glance

"It was really an honor to be a part of your inaugural WOA event. I have been at countless events over the years, and yours stood out as extremely well-planned and well thought out. Your audience was engaged and enjoyed themselves, learned a lot, and didn’t feel run into the ground by the end of it. You did a beautiful job."

Trish Witkowski
Chief Folding Fanatic


10 Big Ideas for Adding WOW to Your Print

Presented by Trish Witkoswki (, this bold and visual presentation showcases the best of digital and conventional print in 10 fun categories, like adding texture, creating dimension, going wild with ink, using great paper, integrating technology and more.

Trish Witkowski of

World of AccuZIP Q & A Day 1

Marketing to the Generations

One of the greatest challenges facing marketers today is the management of customer relationships across the generations. In this can’t-miss presentation by Trish Witkoswki (, you’ll learn what is important to each generation, how they communicate, and where their preferences overlap.

Trish Witkowski of

"Enjoyed all the events and the training sessions.

I have been an AccuZIP user for many years and really enjoyed putting faces to voices I've heard for years.

Thank you for a Great Conference. "

World-Class Presenter and Direct Marketing Expert Joshua Davis

Cyber Security Awareness – Security Concerns and Solutions

Cyber security for most is a mystery and most businesses believe "no one would ever target us". Leave with a demystified view of cyber security and its ever increasing importance for your business.

Joshua Davis

"This was a very well organized and educational conference.

I learned and met new people everyday, and definitely left feeling like an appreciated customer and user of the program.

Thanks so much for the opportunity and experience. "

World of AccuZIP Q & A Day 1

AccuTrace is My Customer Service Parachute

The ability to track mail easily and report these findings to your clients is critical in direct marketing today. Without it, you are flying blind! You will learn how AccuTrace can take your customer service to the next level and how you can effectively market this service to your clients to get them on board!

Nicki Crowell on the benefits of tracking mail

Learn how to setup and use AccuTrace Mail Tracking Service

Understanding AccuTrace: Mail Tracking & Reporting

This AccuTrace session covers the technical aspect of the AccuTrace IM Barcode tracking service. Learn how to setup the AccuZIP6 program to successfully upload mailings to AccuTrace, then learn how to interpret the attractive reports that AccuTrace offers.

Understanding AccuTrace IM Barcode Tracking

"You did an excellent job!

Professional, friendly, informational!

I appreciate your amazing expertise in the industry.

Thank you for all you provided and inviting us to this event."

Profit in Direct Mail with Ron Labrozzi

Improving profitability in Direct Mail

Learn tips from a professional in the direct mail business for 30 years as topics such as efficiency in the workplace, customer acquisition strategy, pricing for services and more important topics are discussed in this invaluable session.

Ron Labrozzi of Mailstar

World of AccuZIP Q & A Day 1

TIP 1 (from session: Personalize for Profit)

Want to know if any records in your list could qualify for High Density rates or better? This command will tell you how many in your list qualify for these rates. Run this command after validation, then show marked. If there's plenty that qualify, run Data Enhancement Services (specifically DSF2) on the selection:

replace all x with " "
SELECT LEFT(zip,5)+crrt as zip FROM (ALIAS()) GROUP BY 1 HAVING COUNT(LEFT(zip,5)+crrt)>=125 INTO CURSOR _zips READWRITE
INDEX ON zip TAG zip
REPLACE X WITH "X" FOR SEEK(LEFT(zip,5)+crrt,"_zips")

Direct Mail API Integration with Steve Belmonte

Profit through Automation - AccuZIP API Integration

Expand your audience, grow your revenue and automate your processes by integrating AccuZIP RESTful API technologies with branded user experience design into your web platforms, internal controls or automated workflows.

Automate address cleansing and direct mail with AccuZIP API

Learn how to setup and use AccuTrace Mail Tracking Service

Turbo Charge Your Variable Data Printing

AccuZIP6 is a very powerful Variable Data Printing (VDP) software product that can out-perform many VDP products on the market today. Steve Belmonte shows you how to leverage the power of AccuZIP6 to create beautiful VDP jobs by incorporating variable maps and other variable data.

Turbo Charge VDP

"Well-planned, and all presenters knew what they were talking about.

Very difficult to improve on perfection!"

Tom Glassman presents the Mailer Scorecard

Deep Dive into the Mailer Scorecard with Tom Glassman

IDEAlliance Rep Tom Glassman guides you through the Mailer Scorecard with a presentation full of interesting facts that will convince you to start performing full-service mailings today

Deep Dive into the Mailer Scorecard with Tom Glassman

Perform Full-Service Mailings in AccuZIP6

Full-Service Mailings (Preparing and Submitting)

In this educational session, learn how to setup the AccuZIP6 program and learn what you need from the Business Customer Gateway in order to easily complete Full-Service Mailings.

Complete Full-Service mailings in AccuZIP6

"AccuZIP not only supported us with the industry's premium software to do our job, but the people behind the software are incredible.

We enjoyed the approachability of the speakers, the availability of hands-on support, and the awesomeness of the event."

Question and Answer Panel Day 1

Question and Answer Session - Day 1

On Day 1 of the World of AccuZIP User Group Conference, a panel consisting of AccuZIP representatives and CEO Trish Witkowski field questions from the audience.

Question and Answer Panel Day 1

Questions and Answers Panel Day 2

Question and Answer Session - Day 2

AccuZIP representatives and cyber security expert Joshua Davis answers questions from the audience to wrap of Day 2 of the World of AccuZIP User Group Conference.

Questions and Answers Panel Day 2

"Thank you for caring as much about your 'minor' customers as you do your 'majors'.

You made [AccuZIP6] useful for the smallest and largest mailers - Amazing!

There is a sense of family...the AccuZIP team family and all of us."

World of AccuZIP Welcome Reception

World of AccuZIP Welcome Reception

AccuZIP kicks off the event with a lively reception to meet and greet all those attending the two-day event, complete with live entertainment and a welcome from AccuZIP CEO Steve Belmonte.

WOA welcome reception video

AccuZIP Youtube Channel