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Tags.txt Structure Definition

Tags.txt Structure Definition generated by AccuZIP6 5.0 when Container Tags are printed

Example data:

"PINE GROVE CA","95665","PSVC FLTS 5D BC","ROSEVILLE CA 95661","T# 1 66 PCS S","95665635","N","1",0

"PINE GROVE CA" - Container Label
"95665" - Container ZIP
"PSVC FLTS 5D BC" - Container CIN Verbiage
"ROSEVILLE CA 95661" - Origin Post Office
"T# 1 66 PCS S" - Container Number, Container Quantity, Container Type (S=Sack, 1=1’MM, 2’MM)
"95665635" - Container Barcode String
"N" - Automation Indicator (Y=Yes, N=No)
"1" - Number of Container Tags to Print
0 - Bundle Count

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While we have consistently been impressed with the level of assistance we receive through your online chat portal, Geoff has been more than helpful and great to work with on every issue we’ve come across. He is quick to diagnose and resolve the issues. He also has offered to instruction and information to prevent future issues. He has even guided us through some functions of Accuzip we had not previously been utilizing. I wanted to take a minute and give a huge shout out to Geoff.
T.A., Grand Rapids, MI