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Tech Notes

CASS Data Expiration Dates

Dates when the USPS Data will expire

DVD USPS Data Date Date of Expiration
Feb/Mar January 15 April 30
Apr/May March 15 June 28
Jun/Jul May 15 August 28
Aug/Sep July 15 October 28
Oct/Nov September 15 December 29
Dec/Jan November 15 February 28

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I got a virus and had to have my computer practically rebuilt resulting in losing my custom settings, etc. I just finished an online remote session with Geoff. He was amazingly helpful, patient and upbeat. He spent over 1½ hours with me. Not only did he help me with what I asked him for, he gave me a lot of additional information making my mailing process easier. I've been using AccuZIP for years now and have never taken the time to commend the company for its excellent customer service. I have had good experiences with all of your techs and will absolutely recommend you to anyone I know who needs this kind of software. Thank you for such a user-friendly, customer friendly program!
S.F., Kansas City, MO